7 Common Nail Conditions Linked to Serious Diseases That You Shouldn’t Ignore

7 Common Nail Conditions Linked to Serious Diseases That You Shouldn’t Ignore

Nails are probably the most ignorant part of our body. Women do take interest to make their nails good attractive, but not much initiative is taken to improve the health of nails.

A popular writer and author of Living Beauty (Fitzhenry and Whiteside) 2005, Lisa Petty quoted that nails are the one which endures the most in the situation where the body is not treated well. So, this Canadian writer, aging expert and nutritionist claim that nails are doorways to our body.The supplements which one consume are reached to the skin, hair and the end to nails. Thus, the nail can act as a mirror to the health issues in our body.

It is amazing that just looking at the nails we can actually detect the health issues the person is going through. The brittle, yellow or ridged fingernails actually indicate the nutritional deficiencies and health problems like anemia or thyroid disease.

The toenails and fingernails are made of keratin protein and are the exceptionally touchy piece in our body.The nails are shaped based on the combination of lymph vessels, grids, veins, and nerves. The shape of your nail depends on your genetic coding, whereas some of the qualities of nails are common to all. Like our nails are translucent and reflect the pink color of blood following through the tiny veins beneath it. It is nor fragile and feel smooth.

You have to aware that lack of nutrients can make your nails stained, plain ugly and hard. In order to save your nails and your body from health issues, you can just make small changes in your diet and start to take supplements to support them.
7 Regular Nail Conditions:

1. White Spots

The white spots on the nails due to insufficient zinc levels in the body. The natural source of zinc is pumpkin seed, peas, sesame seeds and red meat.

2. Soft Nails With Curl Upward

The soft nails with curl towards up direction are due to little iron in the body. The solution for this issue 325 mg of iron sulfate at least 3 times a day.

3. Yellow Nails

The yellow nails are the result of a deficiency of vitamin E in the body. The solution for this issue is very simple, you just have to start the supplement of vitamin E. The natural source of vitamin E consists of sweet potatoes, peanuts, hazelnuts, wheat germ oil and almonds which you can add in your daily diet.

4. Split or Brittle Nails

This condition of nails is due to lack of moisture and vitamin B in the body. To resolve this issue You can start the intake of gelatin, calcium supplements, and colloid minerals to get rid of this condition. For pregnant women biotin can be dangerous, thus one should not take this supplement without the instruction of a physician.

5. Vertical Ridges

The malnutrition or deficiency of vitamin and minerals are reflected through the vertical ridges. You can use almond oil and chamois buffer and polish your nails. Do this 2-3 times a day. Do not go for ridge fillers as it consists of synthetic chemicals in it.

6. Horizontal Dents or Ridges

The horizontal dents are actually a sign of nutritional deficiencies, high fever, psoriasis or can cause due to trauma after surgery. The supplements of protein and vitamin A are advised by Petty to cure this condition.

7. Fungus

The frequent exposure of nails to warmth and dampness leads to fungus issue in the fingernail. The greenish, yellow or messy look of nails indicates the fungal infection. You can use tea tree oil soak to get rid of the fungal infection in the nail.

At What Point You Should Be Concerned

Here are some health indication of nails which are serious and you should get a medical help for such conditions.

  • Blue nail beds indicate issues in blood flow
  • Fragile nails indicate hypo- or hyperthyroidism
  • Upward-bending nails lead to thyroid infection
  • Yellow nails represent the chronic bronchitis
  • White nail beds indicate liver infection
  • Red nail beds lead to coronary illness

In the above condition, you must go for a health check up and treat the issues on the immediate basis.

Get Whiter Teeth In Just 3 Minutes Using Aluminum Foil And Natural Ingredients

Get Whiter Teeth In Just 3 Minutes Using Aluminum Foil And Natural Ingredients

Regular consumption of carbonated beverages, chocolate, tobacco and caffeine ultimately lead to yellow teeth. If you want to have whiter teeth in just three minutes, try these effective natural solutions:

Turmeric powder and Coconut oil

Ingredients you need:

  • 4 tablespoons of turmeric powder
  • 2 tablespoons of baking soda
  • 5 tablespoons of coconut oil

To prepare the whitening mixture:

In a bowl, put the turmeric powder and baking soda, then add the coconut oil. Mix the ingredients until the mixture turns into a smooth paste.

Use the mixture to brush your teeth. You will notice results at first use.

Baking soda and aluminum foil

For this you need two small pieces of aluminum foil, 2 teaspoons of baking soda and 2 teaspoons of toothpaste.

Mix the baking soda with the toothpaste, then lubricate the pieces of aluminum foil with the obtained solution. Leave the natural bleach solution on your teeth for 3 minutes (Or more if you do not have sensitive teeth). Brush your teeth with toothpaste. Do not use this trick more than once a week.
Rules to keep in mind for whiter teeth

Brush your teeth after drinking tea, wine or coffee. They contain substances that stain the enamel on your teeth.

The toothbrush should be changed every 2-3 months, otherwise you’ll only spread the bacteria in your mouth, while brushing your teeth. Particular attention should be given to your tongue, as well. Clean it thoroughly every morning if you want to get rid of bacteria and have fresh breath.

Raw carrots, celery, apples or popcorn are foods that help you clean your teeth naturally. Eat them at the end of each meal if you don’t have the possibility to brush your teeth.

They Said Coconut Oil Was Great For You, But This Is What They Didn’t Tell You

They Said Coconut Oil Was Great For You, But This Is What They Didn’t Tell You

Recently, there is no doubt that the popularity of coconut oil has skyrocketed, and there is a great reason for that. Actually, there are at least 50 good reasons for it!

Coconut (C. Nucifera) is a part of the Arecaceae (Palmae) family and belongs to the subfamily Cocoideae. Its flesh is rich in healthy acids, and its composition of fat may vary depending on its processing process and type.

Namely, medium-chain saturated fatty acids are around 90% of its content, combined with a small portion of polyunsaturated and mono-unsaturated fatty acids.

The human body easily digests, absorbs and uses medium-chain saturated fatty acids (MCFA’s), as they freely cross the blood-brain barrier in the unbound form, meaning that they may be used to promote neurological health and provide energy.

Virgin (unrefined) coconut oil is extremely useful, and at the same time, it is tasty, cheap, readily available, and entirely natural. Moreover, it has powerful health-promoting properties, such as:

  • Anti-inflammatory properties
  • Antioxidant properties (prevents the formation of free radicals and the damage they cause)
  • Anti-microbial/ Infection-fighting properties ( it effectively kills viruses, yeast, bacteria, protozoa and parasites)
  • It is nontoxic to both, animals and humans
  • Powerful anti-carcinogenic properties

Therefore, this oil is absolutely remarkable for use in numerous cases.

Internal Health Problems

If taken internally, coconut oil prevents, alleviates and helps numerous health issues, as follows:

  • Chronic and adrenal Fatigue
  • Diabetes – coconut oil prevents food cravings and stabilizes blood sugar levels
  • Cystic Fibrosis and Bronchial Infections
  • Asthma – in both, adults, and children
  • Acid Re-flux/Indigestion – In this case, consume coconut oil after meals
  • Allergies – seasonal hay fever
  • Gas – The imbalance of bacteria in the gut often leads to foul gas. This oil has mild anti-microbial properties and thus re-establishes healthy gut flora
  • Colds and Flues – Coconut oil has potent anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties  and is extremely useful in case of colds and flu
  • Kidney Disease and Stones – it is really helpful as it dissolves small stones in the kidneys
  • Epilepsy – Coconut oil may effectively reduce epileptic seizures
  • Hemorrhoids – You should apply coconut oil externally or internally two times a day
  • Liver Disease
  • Heart Disease – it provides protection for arteries from injury that leads to atherosclerosis
  • Lung Disease
  • Pancreatitis

Topical Health Problems

The topical use of coconut oil  relieves, treats and helps in the case of the following health conditions:
  • Athletes Foot
  • Cellulite
  • Decongestant – If you are congested due to an allergy or a cold, you should rub some  coconut oil on the chest and under your nose
  • Head Lice – Apply it topically
  • Herpes – You should take it orally and apply it topically
  • Ear infection – It fights the infection, and in order to reduce the pain, you should pour several drops of coconut and garlic oil inside the ear two times during the day

Personal Hygiene and the Body

  • Body Scrub – You should mix some salt and this oil, or you can add some other essential oil for a better smell as well, and rub your body. Afterward, wash the mixture off and your skin will be incredibly soft!
  • Bruises – It reduces redness and swelling, and thus accelerates the healing process. Apply it directly to the bruise.
  • Skin Conditions – It provides relief in the case of eczema, dermatitis, and psoriasis.
  • Wrinkle Prevention and reduction – rub some coconut oil on the wrinkles and sagging skin, and you will strengthen the connective tissues and rejuvenate the skin.

General Health and Wellness

  • Digestion – Coconut oil contains saturated fats which control fungi and parasites that lead to indigestion and other issues linked to digestion, like irritable bowel syndrome. This fat also helps the absorption of minerals, vitamins and amino acids, and thus promotes overall health.
  • Bones and Teeth – It helps the absorption of magnesium and calcium and thus enhances the bone and teeth development.
  • The absorption of vitamins and nutrients – This oil makes the fat-based nutrients, like vitamin D, E, A and K more available to the body
  • Stress Relief – Apply some coconut oil to the head in a circular motion by massaging, and its aroma is relaxing and soothing and will reduce stress.
  • Weight loss – Coconut oil contains saturated fats which prevent food cravings and promote weight loss.

10 Signs Your Body Has Too Much Estrogen And How To Start Flushing it Out Immediately

10 Signs Your Body Has Too Much Estrogen And How To Start Flushing it Out Immediately

Estrogen dominance can be very common, and despite knowing the signs and symptoms of this condition, you should also know what to do if you are suffering from it.

Yet, before we reveal one effective and simple protocol to help you balance your hormones, we will list the 10 most common symptoms of estrogen dominance:

  • Abnormal menstrual periods
  • Low libido
  • Fatigue
  • Bad PMS (breast tenderness/swelling, mood swings, and headaches)
  • Hair loss
  • Weight gain (especially hips and abs)
  • Brain fog
  • Trouble sleeping
  • Thyroid dysfunction
  • Sluggish metabolism

Here are the steps you should follow in order to restore the healthy hormonal balance in the body:

Step 1: Eliminate Xenoestrogens

Nowadays, we are constantly being exposed to various chemicals, and one of them is “xenoestrogen,” which can mimic estrogen in the body. Therefore, in order to avoid these adverse effects, you should avoid the use of the following top offenders:

  • Plastic Tupperware
  • Plastic water bottles
  • BPA cans
  • Cosmetics, makeup, and toiletries
  • Tap water
  • Non-organic dairy, produce
  • Soy protein isolate
  • Dryer sheets
  • Birth control pill

Step 2: Efficient Elimination

This step is essential as it will ensure the removal of estrogen, and prevent its re-entrance into the bloodstream in the case of chronic constipation. Therefore, make sure you are having daily bowel movements, and in case you are not:

  • Drink 2-3L of water daily
  • Increase the intake of fiber-rich foods
  • Increase the intake of vegetables with every meal
  • Consume probiotics such as kefir, yogurt, miso, tempeh
  • To promote bowel movements, supplement with magnesium citrate or Triphala

Moreover, in order to help the removal of waste and toxins from the body, you should also:

  • Exercise or go to a sauna to stimulate sweating
  • Breathe deeply to support the lungs
  • Massage your body to support the lymph
  • Use a dry skin brush to eliminate dead skin cells

Step 3: Improve Liver Health  and Estrogen Detoxification

Estrogen is effectively removed by a well-functioning liver. In the first stage, the liver turns harmful estrogen intro milder, weaker forms of estrogen, and in the second stage, it converts it into a water-soluble form, so you can eliminate it through the stool or urine.

Yet, the liver won’t be able to fulfill its function if the body lacks important nutrients, or it is overburdened with other chemicals, accumulated due to the use of processed foods, drugs, and alcohol.

To support the function of the liver, you should”

  • Drink lots of filtrated water
  • Do not drink alcohol
  • Each a real, whole-foods based diet
  • Avoid overeating
  • Eat foods that support liver health, such as kale, dandelion greens, beets, garlic, eggs, dark leafy greens, artichoke, onions, leeks, shallots, broccoli, cabbage, Brussels sprouts, etc.)
  • Take B-vitamins (in particular, B6, B12 and Folic Acid), as well as some hormone balancing formula that contains one or all of the following: DIM, Calcium-D-Glucarate, Indole-3-Carbinol, sulforaphane
  • Supplement with botanicals that improve the function of the liver, like rosemary, burdock, red clover, barberry, milk thistle, dandelion root, Oregon grape root, gentian, licorice, ginger, wild yam.

Furthermore, in order to kick start your metabolism and improve your overall healthy by detoxifying and energizing the body, you should try some effective detox program, using medicinal herbs that are made using 100% USDA organic ingredients and also laxative-free, such as dandelion root, milk thistle seed (to improve detoxification of the liver), yerba mate and matcha ( to energize the body), or valerian root and passion flower to relax, and soothe anxious thoughts.

Natural Remedy For Sagging Eyelids You Will See Results In 2 Minutes

Natural Remedy For Sagging Eyelids You Will See Results In 2 Minutes

We blink our eyes a lot of time in the day. Have you ever wonder what helps us to open and close our eyes? There is a ring of muscle which encircles our eyes and eyelids are one of the parts of it. These muscles allow us to open and close our eyes.

However, the eyelids start to droop due to factors such as aging process, heredity issues and sometimes due to long-term lifestyle habits.

The dropping eyelids make the muscles of eye tired and causes fatigue.

It will also be difficult to apply make on your eyelids. The eyeshadow or eyeliner will no longer be visible due to the sagging eyelids.

It will definitely kind off irritating for you but there exists a natural process to get rid of this issue.

The natural remedy for sagging eyelids and hooded eyes consist of ingredients like an egg. The white part of the egg is very useful to make the skin firm and tighten it quickly.

After the application of this remedy, the result will be visible in just a few minutes. Here is the recipe for the remedy to cure sagging eyelids.

Natural Remedy for Sagging Eyelids


  • Egg white- 1
  • Cotton swab- 1


  • Clean the eyelid using warm water and remove the makeup if any.
  • Now, crack the egg and separate white part from the yolk.
  • Mash the egg white properly to get a thick paste.
  • Now, dip the cotton swab into the paste of egg white and hold it on your closed eyelid
  • Hold it for a while until the egg white gets dry and stick to your eyelid.
  • Repeat the process for a couple of time and then wash your face and eyelid with warm water.
  • Continue the use of this remedy daily to get rid of sagging eyelid.
This is the most simple process you can use to treat the eyelid drooping issue at home. Along with the eyelid, you can apply some of the egg white on your face skin as well to reduce the fine lines and make your face look younger.

Nature has a solution to all our health issues and the benefit is that the remedies are absolutely free from side effects. So, try the remedy today and treat the sagging eyelid quickly!

She Rubs Aloe Vera On Her Face. What Happens After 15 Minutes Will Surprise You!

She Rubs Aloe Vera On Her Face. What Happens After 15 Minutes Will Surprise You!

Aloe Vera has amazing medicinal properties and thus has been used in lots of beauty products. However, you won’t have to spend money if you want to have soft and glowing skin; all you need to do is to try this easy and simple trick including only one ingredient. In a short period of time you will feel the results.

  • Wash thoroughly – use clear water to wash it well without peeling the plant;
  • Soften it – start thumping gently on it, or use a roller;
  • Cut it in two – this is done once you soften the leaf, however, do not cut it into a very large portion because you may use the other half next time. Cut only the right amount you will need for use;
  • Cut the edges – use a knife for this so that you can peel the leaf, in this way you will make the leaf easily open;
  • Slit it into 2 – once the edges are cut, slit open the leaf with your hands, but if it does not open easily, use a knife to slit through its center;
  • Scrape out the juice – take the juice out of the leaf by using a spoon; take out as much as you can so that nothing goes wasted and place it into a container;
  • Rub it all over your face – with your fingers apply the juice on your face, or you can use the leaf to rub the juice in; let it stay for 15-20 minutes;
  • Wash your face – the mask will dry off, thus you may start peeling it off of your face after which you will need to wash it without using any soaps or chemicals because it will defeat the purpose of using this remedy;
  • Flawless glowing skin – tap dry your face with a clean towel and Voila!

2 Drops Of This In Your Ears And 97% Of Your Hearing Recovers! Even Old People From 80 To 90 Are Driven Crazy By This Simple And Natural Remedy

2 Drops Of This In Your Ears And 97% Of Your Hearing Recovers! Even Old People From 80 To 90 Are Driven Crazy By This Simple And Natural Remedy

On the market you can find numerous business remedies and treatments, however in nowadays’s article we’re going to gift you recipe for green natural treatment that substantially will get better the listening to capacity and in equal time will reduce the hearing troubles.

This remedy is proved to be efficient and offers notable consequences even at folks that are eighty and ninety years antique. it’s miles considered that this aggregate has the capability to recover as much as ninety seven% of your listening to.

For the training of this fantastic natural remedy you’ll need substances which you likely have already got on your kitchen.

Garlic is considered to be one of the healthiest ingredients in the world. besides in kitchen, garlic is used for treatment of diverse fitness troubles due to its powerful medicinal houses.

That is how to use this plant and get better your listening to:

You will need:

  • three garlic cloves
  • olive oil
  • cotton or gauze
  • dropper


Begin with peeling the garlic cloves and wash them properly. Then, press them firmly to extract the juice and try to get as much juice as possible. subsequent step is to mix the garlic juice with the olive oil and pour the aggregate in a dropper.


Pour 3 – four drops of the resulted treatment in your ear. subsequent step is to close the ear with cotton or gauze. it’s miles beneficial to lie down for some time so that it will assist the oil penetrate deeply into your ear.

You’ll experience the consequences very quickly, and we guarantee that you will be amazed and impressed.